About us

We are providing the market with the access to the tools helping to prevent fraud, reduce risks and increase the availability of online financial products via device authentication technologies and user’s behaviour analysis.

Our mission

JuicyScore is a global device risks analytics bureau which operates without using personal data. We do not use and we will never use direct user identifiers. We do our best to meet the legal requirements, local personal data regulation rules as well as operational systems security policies. Our mission is about making the Internet and the process of obtaining financial services safer by reducing the turnover of direct user identifiers and sensitive data.

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Countries of presence

History of our technology

Our team members work in different IT companies as Data Scientists, software developers and technical directors.
Our team members work in different IT companies as Data Scientists, software developers and technical directors.
Our first article «Data Mining Paradigm»
Our first article «Data Mining Paradigm»
The first successful launch of our patented portfolio management system at a big international bank
The first successful launch of our patented portfolio management system at a big international bank
Our team members work on developing a retail strategy for one of the leading banks
Our team members work on developing a retail strategy for one of the leading banks
FEB 2016
Development of our team and technology. The first commercial launch by JuicyScore. The first results showed sufficient advantages of our proprietary authentication and device matching technologies.
FEB 2016
Development of our team and technology. The first commercial launch by JuicyScore. The first results showed sufficient advantages of our proprietary authentication and device matching technologies.
AUG 2016
JuicyScore API v5 is supplemented with more than 140 predictors
AUG 2016
JuicyScore API v5 is supplemented with more than 140 predictors
JULY 2017
JuicyScore API v9 operates with over 200 predictors
JULY 2017
JuicyScore API v9 operates with over 200 predictors
SEP 2017
JuicyScore presents JuicyID, the device and user authentication technology
SEP 2017
JuicyScore presents JuicyID, the device and user authentication technology
OCT 2017
JuicyScore breaks even
OCT 2017
JuicyScore breaks even
DEC 2017
JuicyScore is the biggest BigData company in Eastern Europe
DEC 2017
JuicyScore is the biggest BigData company in Eastern Europe
JAN 2018
JuicyScore operates in 7 countries
JAN 2018
JuicyScore operates in 7 countries
MAY 2018
JuicyScore API v10 is released with over 200 predictors
MAY 2018
JuicyScore API v10 is released with over 200 predictors
JUNE 2018
Launch of JuicyID based on the API v10
JUNE 2018
Launch of JuicyID based on the API v10
NOV 2018
Launch of JuicyBio
NOV 2018
Launch of JuicyBio
JAN 2019
Launch of operations in India
JAN 2019
Launch of operations in India
APRIL 2019
Launch of API v11
APRIL 2019
Launch of API v11
JUNE 2019
JuicyScore is present in 10 countries
JUNE 2019
JuicyScore is present in 10 countries
NOV 2019
Office opening in Singapore and launch in the 11th country
NOV 2019
Office opening in Singapore and launch in the 11th country
Contact us
We will make your business more safe, let’s discuss how!