
Fintech 2024: the Future of Finance

Driven by digital innovation and changing consumer behavior, the financial technology industry saw strong growth in 2023. Fintech companies are significantly changing the financial services landscape. They introduce new cutting-edge technologies that feature customer-centric value propositions delivered via agile and versatile teams. Today, we want to highlight the top financial technology trends that could reshape the financial sector in 2024.


The Launch of API 15: Another Big Leap into the Future!

We are so pleased to announce this year’s game-changing event. A few days ago, we launched the new 15th gen API JuicyScore. The release features a full set of new fraud markers. Our team enhanced parameters for remote access identification and social engineering. What’s more, we improved our technological stack to detect device-assisted virtualization and randomization. Besides, the new version comes with a set of improved IDX indexes.


The future of Device ID in the digital world

The challenges of online traffic filtering and fraud protection arose in parallel with the spread of the Internet and have gone beyond the usual solutions for online business. A significant role in fraud protection at the moment is played by device reputation and the anomalies related to it. In present material we would like to shed light on some of the most effective ways of solving these problems and also to present our vision of Device ID usage trends.


Remote work should be productive - we launched a new version of API v.12 working in a home office format

We are pleased to announce the launch of the next generation of our JuicyScore product - APIv12. The new generation is not just a serial number increased by one, it is a number of important changes to the product in terms of its information value and effect for our partners and customers. Our approach remains unchanged - we do not use any personal data and direct customer identifiers and continue working on Internet security for financial market.


The future of online lending in the era of global digital ecosystems and crises - Banks & Fintech part 3

Today, when technology is developing rapidly, and people are more and more immersed in the world of mobile devices, there is more and more talk that traditional service providers, especially financial ones, will give way to young and more mobile fintech companies (online lenders and neo-banks). In addition to fintech companies that have already become part of the financial services world, we should not forget about large Internet companies, both global (Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple, so-called GAFA), and local, which have a large share in each separately selected country or group of neighbouring countries, for which financial services are not the main and significant source of revenue. These companies have accumulated a huge client base and an array of information for each client, and they already offer various financial services that were previously considered traditionally banking.


Pursuit for unlimited user anonymity vs risks for the online world

In our publications, we have raised the issue of privacy and anonymity when working on the Internet multiple times, as well as the issue of access to various types of services. In one of our previous articles ( we wrote about why users tend to limit monitoring of their online activity. Today we will continue the conversation about anonymity and privacy, in particular, we will talk about cases where the anonymity of the user directly or indirectly does not mean additional protection, but becomes a tool for unfair behaviour and obtaining services illegally.


Deep Machine Learning: on the path to the truth

The information is an extremely valuable resource in the 21st century. The amount of information on the Internet increases each year and various methods are used to process these data arrays. Today we will focus on three concepts: artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and deep machine learning (DML). There are still a huge number of methods that are used by data analysis specialists and experts, and the purpose of this article is not only to explain the features of these concepts, but also to show successful examples how some methods can be applied to solve practical problems to prevent fraud risk.


Web&Mobile: How to Use The Synergy to Boost Sales and Reduce Risks

With the development of technologies, human life is accelerating in  all areas: we have to process a lot of information on our way to the  office, while waiting in the queue for a cup of coffee and even while  reading a book to your child. We are precipitately switching to mobile  devices to keep up with our working processes and we turn on our PCs  less and less often. Read in our new article how to maintain sales on  the same level or even increase them and reduce risks while living at  this tempo.


IPv6: New Opportunities, New Risks

The modern world has moved online since years, having extended and in some spheres even completely taken the place of the offline reality. We can now see an interesting line of thinking in some contemporaries’ discourse — if you cannot find any information about something on the Web, for most people it will mean this thing does not exist at all.For many of us, the search and easy finding of a product or a financial service on the Web starts by touching the browser icon on our smartphone, yet few people ever think about the way the request goes, which server logs the information about it remains in, which DNS server would open the way to the required web resource, and all that happening behind the scenes. Even less people think of the risks that may lurk in wait during Internet surfing.


MFO Regulations: New Market Challenges And The Ways of Working with Them

Previously, we have been covering mostly the banking peculiarities of a financial business and its regulations. Since beginning of July such changes have come into force directly concerning microfinance market and changing the operating conditions of the microlenders. As a partner of several market players on this field, we wish to share our vision and tell how we could be useful in response to the new upcoming challenges.


The Dangerous Three: the Most Recent Examples of Fraudulent Attacks

We’ve been telling enough about the advantages of alternative data and risks associated with collecting conventional data on your borrowers. Today we will demonstrate how personal data usage can not only turn into risk and damage for the financial institution’s working process but also spell disaster for the whole business. We will draw on several cases from our experience, which are: Seasonal Aggravations, Fraudulent Brute Force Attacks, and the Black Swan. What are these risks and how to get protected?


Temper is meaningful…and what is the value?

In February, we published an article about how the psychotype affects credit service users financial behavior. In addition to that, in June, we launched a laboratory for the evaluation of non-personal data — . Today we turn back again to the topic of the psychotype influence on the borrower’s credit behavior and income assessment. Referring to our research, we will talk about various data types synergy to gather more information about the client.


API 10: Magnificent Five

In May 18 we presented a new version of API v10, where more than 200 predictors and improved score model are now available to our clients. Com-paring to the previous v9 release more than 30 completely new predictors were added. One of the most important add-ons was the launch of new index variables, specially developed by machine learning methods. Empowered by significant prediction ability, they show certain charac-teristics of a device, Internet connection, as well as a number of other metrics and are ready for use in the client’s credit conveyor.


JuicyScore & Finovate 2018 – value of non-personal data

Currently, an active reassessment is under way regarding the use of personal data in the number of regions worldwide. The new GDPR will enter into force in the EU, and this is likely to be only the beginning. We may expect new regulations on personal data – PSD3 and GDPR2 data in the next 3–5 years. Those directives are not specific to the EU. It is highly likely that we will see similar initiatives in other markets in the nearest future.


How does our psychotype affect credit behavior?

We continue our series of articles about the meaningfulness of data describing the behavior of users on the Internet. In this article, we announce the launch of a global research project dedicated to studying users’ behavior, psychological types, and credit risks. The results of many recent studies have revealed that a person’s psychological type has a significant influence on his/her credit risk. There are a number of reasons:


Can BlockChain Stop Online Fraud? Not Yet

As you may have noticed, this is a topic we just couldn’t ignore. Thanks to the cryptocurrency market becoming, for better or worse, the latest media darling, the term “blockchain” seems to be on everybody’s lips. By itself, blockchain technology is a collective term that combines both the database (databases) containing information about owners and a number of technologies, such as blockchain (chain of transaction blocks) and distributed ledger technology. It is this sphere that receives the most attention, and the hype is deserved at the moment.